Is cheap insurance the right insurance for you?

They say ‘you get what you pay for’ which is why when it comes to car and home insurance cheaper is not always better. There are quite a few factors to consider when deciding on your short-term insurance provider and if you’re making this decision based solely on price, it could end up costing you more than you bargained for.
Ask yourself the following before making a decision:
- How affordable is my insurance at the moment?
- What is the likelihood of my insurer paying out my claim?
- Which other benefits does my insurer offer me?
Insurance to suit your pocket and needs
Your insurer should be able to structure and adjust your policy according to you needs. This means that you must be able to actively manage your cover and have the flexibility to change it whenever the need arises. If you for instance decide to remove additional cover from your policy so that it better suits your circumstances or decide to increase your excess to see how much it could lower your monthly premium, you should be able to do so.
There is a reason why claims are often called the moment of truth
You should be able to rely on your short-term insurer for a positive claims experience. The insurer should do this by looking for reasons to pay, rather than reasons not to.
Availabity in an Emergency
Your insurance premium should be available to assist you in times of crisis – from roadside, route planning and chauffeur-driven support to legal and medical advice.
The bottom line
Now you know, insurance is not only about getting the lowest premium while hoping for sufficient coverage. It is about having peace of mind that you are adequately insured with a company that offers you the best service, a competitive premium and value beyond measure.
Source: Santam