Kush Padia – New Chief Financial Officer

Dear Brolink Colleagues
I am extremely happy to announce the appointment of Kush Padia effective 20 April 2017, as Chief Financial Officer at Brolink.
Kush Padia is a Chartered Accountant by qualification. He studied his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Johannesburg, following which he joined Ernst and Young . While at Ernst and Young, he specialised in the mining and industrial products sector, working on dual listed clients as well as on the assurance relating to bond issuances off shore to raise bridging finance for a large mining company. Following the completion of his articles, he joined Ernst and Young Consulting and provided advice to state owned enterprises on strategic projects to reduce the load on the power grid.
Thereafter Kush joined Mutual & Federal in the financial reporting team and worked towards aligning the financial statements to best practice, as well as providing accounting opinions on organisational changes that were being investigated. Once this project was complete he managed the treasury and ledgers function where he was responsible for the cash and bank, general ledgers and the investment management function – which optimised group earnings on funds held to ensure claim settlements. He was also a key member selected by the leadership of the organisation to develop a strategic solution to talent management and transformation.
Kush joins Brolink from FNB, where he filled the role of Head of Regulatory Reporting for Premium & Business Core Banking. His role involved ensuring the smooth functioning of the bank’s core systems that feed into the financial accounting records, engagement with internal governance structures as well as the regulators on the applicable statutory returns and review of same, oversight of the FNB Channel Islands off- shore offering from an operational and reporting perspective as well as being his functional area’s lead representative on the bank’s accounting forums. He was also a permanent member of the management steering committee of Premium & Business Core Banking.
Kush is married to Misha, also a Chartered Accountant by qualification, who is presently the Group Tax Manager at Adcock Ingram Holdings. They recently celebrated the birth of their son, Kunal, born in October 2016.
Kush say’s “Brolink is a household name and has built its reputation on trust, solid relationships and excellent service. I look forward to joining the winning team and contributing towards the success of our organisation as we navigate the changing business landscape.”
On behalf of the management team, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Kush and wish him every success at Brolink. I am sure that he will add value to the team and we look forward to working with him in the future!
Best Regards
Howard John
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